The Ultimate Guide to Excessive Palm Sweating Treatment

Jun 10, 2024

Introduction to Excessive Palm Sweating

Excessive palm sweating, also known as palmar hyperhidrosis, can be a frustrating condition that impacts individuals in various aspects of their lives. From social interactions to professional settings, dealing with sweaty palms can be a challenging experience.

Understanding the Causes

Palmar hyperhidrosis is caused by an overactive sympathetic nervous system, which leads to excessive sweating on the palms of the hands. This condition is not related to temperature or physical activity and can occur even when the individual is at rest.

Effective Treatment Options

At Neumark Surgery, we offer cutting-edge treatment options for individuals suffering from excessive palm sweating. Our experienced doctors specialize in providing tailored solutions to address the root cause of hyperhidrosis.

1. Botox Injections

Botox injections are a popular choice for treating excessive palm sweating. The injections work by blocking the nerves responsible for triggering sweat production, leading to a significant reduction in sweat production in the palms.

2. Oral Medications

In some cases, oral medications may be prescribed to help regulate the body's sweat production. These medications can be effective in managing excessive sweating and improving the quality of life for individuals with hyperhidrosis.

3. Iontophoresis

Iontophoresis is a treatment method that involves passing a mild electrical current through the skin's surface, effectively reducing the sweat production in the palms. This non-invasive procedure can provide long-lasting relief from excessive sweating.

4. Surgical Procedures

In severe cases of palmar hyperhidrosis, surgical procedures such as sympathectomy may be recommended. These surgeries involve disrupting the nerve signals that trigger excessive sweating, providing a permanent solution to the condition.

Why Choose Neumark Surgery?

Neumark Surgery is a renowned medical center specializing in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Our team of expert doctors understands the challenges faced by individuals with excessive palm sweating and is dedicated to providing personalized care to each patient.


Don't let excessive palm sweating hold you back any longer. Explore the advanced treatment options available at Neumark Surgery and reclaim your confidence and comfort. Say goodbye to sweaty palms and embrace a life free from the constraints of hyperhidrosis.

Visit Neumark Surgery for more information on excessive palm sweating treatment.

excessive palm sweating treatment